Ligia G.
South House
Topic: Kindergarten Teacher
EQ: What is the best way to become a kindergarten teacher?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Blog 27: Self Reflection

1) I grew the motivation to pursue my topic as a future career and made a bond with my mentor.
           A) AP- Because I know I struggled a lot with time and had to think twice for more information.
           B) AP Because some of my work really stood compare to the other that did not which balance out
                to average.
3) Service learning, it was something I enjoyed doing throughout the whole year.
4) I believe everything worked, one way or another each component helped me with my senior project.
5) It rekindled my passion for working kids and opened a few doors to future jobs.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog 26: 2hr Lesson Plan Rough Draft

I tried uploading my rough draft to Google docs but it kept messing up the formatting, but both links contain my rough draft. Check both to see everything.
2hr lesson plan
2he lesson activities

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blog 25: Service Learning

David May (909) 983-4000
Beth Watschke (909) 397-4604

Both of these service learning locations helped me grow stronger in my topic and it gave me personal proof of some of my answers to my EQ.

I had both my service learning persons always guiding me trough my project, they always gave me feedback from any my 3 answers and other components.