Ligia G.
South House
Topic: Kindergarten Teacher
EQ: What is the best way to become a kindergarten teacher?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Blog 27: Self Reflection

1) I grew the motivation to pursue my topic as a future career and made a bond with my mentor.
           A) AP- Because I know I struggled a lot with time and had to think twice for more information.
           B) AP Because some of my work really stood compare to the other that did not which balance out
                to average.
3) Service learning, it was something I enjoyed doing throughout the whole year.
4) I believe everything worked, one way or another each component helped me with my senior project.
5) It rekindled my passion for working kids and opened a few doors to future jobs.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blog 26: 2hr Lesson Plan Rough Draft

I tried uploading my rough draft to Google docs but it kept messing up the formatting, but both links contain my rough draft. Check both to see everything.
2hr lesson plan
2he lesson activities

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Blog 25: Service Learning

David May (909) 983-4000
Beth Watschke (909) 397-4604

Both of these service learning locations helped me grow stronger in my topic and it gave me personal proof of some of my answers to my EQ.

I had both my service learning persons always guiding me trough my project, they always gave me feedback from any my 3 answers and other components.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog 24: Independent Component 2

A. I, Ligia Guerra affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 of work.
B. For my independent component 2 i decided to research on how to make lesson plans and build a folder of my own lesson plans.

This component is part of my second answer, which being a master at developing lessons. It gave me a hands on experience at making kindergarten lesson plans.

Like I said it helps as evidence for my second answer

Grading Criteria

Blog 23: Interview 5

1. What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
  • I want to do something with psychology because it's something that interests me and I feel I'm good at.
  • (Recommendation) Be sure to specify your topic, psychology is too broad of a subject.
2. What do you plan to do to complete the 10 hours of service learning which is due prior to senior year starting?
  • Actually my psychologist recommended me to another psychologist so I wish to showed that person.
  • (Recommendation) Make sure to not give up in finding a service learning place, I did the mistake of leaving it last minute and it seriously hurt my project (topic) knowledge.
3.What do you hope to see or expect to see when watching the class of 2012 present their two hour presentations?
  • I hope to see helpful things, like what things to do and what not to do and not make the same mistakes.
  • (Recommended) Make sure to really pay attention in the presentations, I didn't and I regret it. It could have helped me out so much in mine.
4. What questions do you have about senior year?
  • "Is it really as hard as they say it is?" Answer: "Not really, it's a lot to handle if your one of those persons that are used to procrastinating. I was and it seriously was too much for me to handle.
  • (Recommendations) Make sure to not miss deadlines, do everything on time, manage your time, choose your topic wisely and make sure you love it because it will make the whole senior project process so much easier and just enjoy every part of it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blog 22: Answer #3

EQ: What is the most successful way to teach a kindergarten classroom?

Answer: Fostering a great relationship with parents.

This might sound like an odd answer to my essential question but through out various observations and research I have seen that a parent/teacher relationship is critical for the students learning. Most of this I have seen in service learning, usually a child needs help in homework and some are too shy to speak up and ask for and then depend on their parents to aid them through that. Some parents are oblivious to the issue and some are constantly there aiding their kids. Fostering a great relationship with parents, in my opinion, help increase the attention the child needs and therefore the child had all the help he/she needs. To successfully teach a kindergarten classroom, the student should understand the lesson. It's on the teacher to deliver the lesson and help a much as possible but during school. After the kids go home it is no longer on the teacher but on the parents on helping their children on anything they need help on. Like I said before some parents have busy lives ad sometimes don't realize that even kindergartens struggle with homework and by promoting a relationship with parents as a teacher there is tht confidence to tell them to always check up on their kids homework and to always ask them if they need help or to communicate any problems the teacher missed.

Sources: Service learning and article #26 "Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting" by Carol R. Keyes.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

1. What is the most successful way to teach a kindergarten classroom?
2. What lesson techniques have you used that seem effective?
3. How do you develop your lesson plans? 
4. Which factors should be kept in mind when teaching kindergarteners?
5. How should your relationship with your students be kept?
6. Do you feel like a parent/teacher relationship should be maintained?
7. What sort of activities are good to include in daily lessons?
8. How much does it affect your classroom when a children with a learning disorder is in your own classroom?
9. What type of things do you think make a successful teacher?
10. How do you know you have created a well done lesson?
11. Do you use the same lesson plans yearly or so you change them?
12. As a teacher what are the things or signs you should know to see if a child is having difficulty learning but just won't speak up?
13. How important is parent involvement and why?
14. What have you done or what would you do if you see a child struggling? How would you approach the situation?
15. What is the best way to act like in a classroom, in other words is it better to be a strict teacher in order to see your students with good behavior?
16. How do you handle misbehavior?
17. What must a typical lesson include?
18. Is every lesson you teach approached similarly or do you use other methods?
19. What teaching method(s) has helped you the most through out our teaching career with your kids? Why?
20. In what area do most kindergartners need help on most and how have you attempted to decrease the problem?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog 16: Independent Component 2 Approval

 (1) I Plan to buy several books of how to write lesson plans and develop my own, I will keep a log every time I am working on the lessons and have it verified by a witness. 
(2) The reading and development will definitely take up 30 hours or more, since I want to build my own folder of lesson plans and have them reviewed by professionals.
(3) This component directly pertains to my second answer, which become a master at lesson planning.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blog 15: Independent Component 1

(a) I, Ligia Guerra , affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
(b) I completed a basic course A of Psychology, in this class various types of worksheets, projects, tests and quizzes were done. Which were all kept by the teacher.

The class required 62.5 hours in hours in order to receive credit for it, which I did. Each day I could I sign in through a log the teachers always kept and asked for to check in and check out which verified the total of hours which were done.

The class though me the n=basic psychology of children. The way their mind is step through each stage, which helped me better understand how each child learns differently.

Grading Criteria
- In order to pass the class you needed 62.5 hours 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blog 13: Senior Project 2-Hour House Meeting #1

Answer: The first answer to my EQ is adopting a the Multiple Intelligences Theory.

Evidence: The more I talked to Ms. Watschke, kindergarten teacher in Kellogg Elementary, she kept repeating how teaching styles and techniques were important in the classroom. So I did more research and found the Multiple Intelligences Theory by Howard Gardner which said there are 8 different types of learners. Depending on the person you were weaker or stronger in the 8 different intelligences.
As well the book Educational Psychology by Robert E Slavin gave some evidence that teacher must adapt their way of teaching according to their students.

Resources: Articles on Multiple Intelligences Theory, and the book Educational Psychology by Robert E. Slavin.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Blog 12: Service Learning

-I have two places where I am doing my service learning. One is with a kindergarten teacher at Kellogg Elementary and the second one is with a third grade teacher from Asuza district.
- Peggy Harris (626) 633-8624 (third grade teacher)
-With Ms. Harris there isn't really any requirement to complete the service learning. I work at my leisure to help her with anything she needs and shadow her as well.
-So far I have only the 10 hours required 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Blog 11: Third Interview Questions

1.What is the best way to become a kindergarten teacher?

2. Is the same teaching method used everyday?

3. Is there different techniques used depending on the child?

4. How can a child with special needs be thaught?

5. What can a teacher do to make the child feel comfortable enough to learn?

6. Are there any factors that can interupt a childs learning?

7. Does the attitude of the teacher change anything?

8. What can a teacher do to keep a constant level of learning?

9. Should a teachers be lenient or harsh when it comes to punishment?

10. What should be the connection between the teacher and the parents?